Thursday, August 28, 2008

Atomium-Eiffel Tower of Belgium

Atomic is referred to as the Eiffel Tower of Belgium. It is located near the King Baudouin Stadium. It was designed by the famous architect André Waterkeyn.It was done for the 1958 World Fair.The structure stands 102 meters (334 feet) high, weighs 2400 metric tons (2439 tons), and represents an iron crystalline molecule enlarged 165 billion times. Inside the nine spheres,visitors can see an exhibition showing how the Atomium has been depicted in comic strips through the years and an audiovisual presentation on the construction of the Atomium.

Tunnels are there inside the atomium and we can go through these tunnels. There are nice views of the northern part of the city and the surrounding countryside from the top of the structure. Atomium now has space for art exhibitions, a special party space, an observation gallery, and children’s sphere and meeting rooms. The top and central spheres are accessible only by lift. The others spheres can be accessed by the steep escalators. There are beautiful lighting effects designed on the elevators. There is also an elevator with a glass ceiling that leads to the new upscale restaurant. The party space sphere has a ceiling fixture with a suspended fiberglass-and-aluminum plate, 4 metres/14 feet in diameter and is lighted with a cobalt halo. Around the fixture are eleven small plastic human figures that hover like astronauts around a spacecraft. In the children’s sphere you’ll find a molecule-like structure using 30 soft polyurethane balls to represent H2O, the formula for water.Atomium is open to the public.

Opening hoursSept. to March: 10 a.m. till 5.30 p.m.
April to August: 9 a.m. till 7.30 p.m.
This structure shows the height of scientific technology, especially considering that it was built in 1958.If you are in Belgium don’t miss the opportunity to see this beautiful structure.

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