Monday, August 25, 2008

Lotus Temple Delhi-A Good Epitome of Bahai Place of Worship

The Lotus Temple is located south of Delhi. The Lotus Temple was opened for the public in December 1986.It is open for everyone irrespective of their religion.Bahai faith derives principles from all religions.Bahai faith preaches the coming together of all the religions in the world. It is maintained by the Baha'i sect which was founded by Baha'u'llah who is regarded as the messenger of God.Bahai faith is spread all over the world. The Bahai place of worship in India is in the shape of a lotus. The lotus Symbolises purity and tenderness.Different modes of architecture has been adhered to in different parts of the world,where the Bahai sect has built there place of worship.The prayer hall is a place where we can feel atmost calmness and peacefulness. We can find a lot of Iranians inside who maintain this temple. The architecture of the Lotus Temple is just amazing. It was built by a Canadian architect of Iranian origin. Lotus temple is made of marble,cement,dolomite and sand. Nine pools of water surround this structure. It is a really wonderful sight for the eyes. The temple remains open everyday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm..Footwears are to kept outside. But they don’t charge you for that :).If you are in Delhi don’t miss the opportunity to pay a visit to this architecture masterpiece.

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