Friday, May 1, 2009

Thrid Day:Minicoy

Minicoy:Minicoy is the southernmost and the second largest island. The island is crescent shaped and has one of the largest lagoons. Minicoy islanders are employed as seamen in ocean going vessels the world over. While the rest of the islands speak a customized Malayalam, Minicoy speaks Mahl, a dialect of Divehi, the language of the Maldives. It has its own script written from right to left.Minicoy women stand out in their colourful gowns and stitched headscarf in Minicoy.The water in Minicoy is greenish. Had a good time bathing in the sea. The water was only Knee deep and we could walk kilometers through the sea. We waded out a long, long way, sometimes walking, sometimes crawling, but it never got any deeper than mid-thigh depth. After that we were taken for a village visit. We were taken in tempo autos which is the mode of transport in Minicoy.There we could see the processing of the Tuna Fish.The Tuna Fish gets cleaned, steamed in huge steamers, cooled overnight and cut into small pieces by women, weighed ,placed in cans with 3 grams of salt,vacuumed,sealed,sterilised for an hour and labeled. Tuna fish is boiled, smoked till dry and then exported. The Women in Minicoy enjoy a high position in the SocietyAfter that we were taken to the light house which was constructed in the year 1885.There were 215 steps to climb. To reach till the top. After that there was a metal ladder to climb. The view from the top was breathtaking. On one side, there was the sea in its greenish with a beautiful beach, along with the huge number of coconut grooves. After the light house visit, we were taken to another beach where we had some kayaking and sea bathing. I spent some time picking shells on the beaches. The usual dance and music were arranged for the tourists in this Island too. Local girls presented traditional Minicoy dance with plastic pots. They threw in two more items, Oppana and Daf Muttu.Most of the tourists joined in the dancing towards the end. By evening ,after the snacks we boarded the boat which took as to our ship. The boat ride from the boat to the ship was comparatively lengthy. The sea was a bit rough on the way back .Was very tired and slept after watching the beautiful sunset from the deck of the ship.

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