Friday, May 1, 2009

Fourth Day:Kalpeni

Disembarked From the ship to a boat which took us to the beautiful island of Kalpeni.This island is known for its scenic beauty and small islets called Tilakkam and Pitti .It is a progressive island. It was in this island that girls first went to school. We were taken on a boat to the Thilakam islet. Had a good time snorkelling.Could spot many fishes in different colours darting in and out through the corals and the sea anemones .Could spot many sea cucumbers also. If we are not careful our legs may get scratched badly when we walk through the coral reefs. We were taken back to the main beach .I spend some time, picking curiously shaped shells and stones from the beach, which was found in almost all the islands. After the lunch we were taken to a hosiery factory, where we could see the process of baniyan manufacturing. This is managed by the government. Those interested can buy tee shirts from there. The tourists were taken back to the beach, where we spend some time and after some boarded the small boat which took us to the M.V.Kavaratti ship which was anchored in the sea. Decided to explore the ship a bit more and spend a lot of time on the topmost portion of the ship, after watching the sunset. Early morning around 9 am we reached Wellington Island, Kochi.

I was back to reality that this wonderful trip has ended when I stepped out of the Port. Words or pictures cannot put forth the real essence of Lakshadweep islands. It’s something that each one of you should experience in real.
You can get more details at their websites ( for the Packages Offered by SPORTS
Reaching there :The Lakshadweep group of islands is well connected both by Air and Sea. While Islands like Agatti & Bangaram can be reached by Air, the other islands can be reached by ship from Kochi.
Best time to visit: November to March
Don’t forget to have enough supply of batteries for your cameras and other necessities because it is difficult to find good shops in these islands.

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